LCEEQ Conference 2022, "The Reflective Practioner" will provide the opportunity for reflection and collegial exchange on a number of issues including: a deeper understanding of learning, how the curriculum should enhance such, the role of assessment, equity, and diversity, optimizing technology, and the importance of health and well-being for all. Are you ready to engage in some reflection on your practice?
LCEEQ invites you to submit a proposal for a sixty or seventy-five minute presentation . Please complete the application form so that your proposal can be reviewed by the Selection Committee. Note that if your presentation is included on the programme you will be required to make your presentation virtually.
When describing your presentation please provide sufficient detail and remember that your session description will be used as you word it in the programme documentation provided to participants.
Please note that commercial applications will not be entertained. If you are part of a School Board/Association, it is important that you ensure that you have support for release time and any expenses related to your participation if your submission is selected.
Deadline for submissions: October 20, 2021