2016 LCEEQ Annual Conference Report



The 2016 Video Short

The Student Voice Winners and More

As part of the LCEEQ 2016 Conference students and educators were invited to submit a selfie video answering the question, “What does education mean to me?”  Two students, chosen at random, were eligible to win an Apple gift card valued at three hundred dollars while the teacher who encouraged her/him to participate was eligible for a prize as well. In addition, two educators, chosen at random, also received gift cards from Chapters.

Cindy Finn, LCEEQ Chair, presented an Apple gift card to Kayla Marcovecchio, a Secondary One student at Royal West Academy in the English Montreal School Board.  She was supported by her teacher, Samira Chawki who was pleased to receive her Chapter’s prize. The school Principal, Tony Pita was proud of both!


A four-member team of Consultants from the EMSB submitted a joint video and agreed to share the hundred dollar prize.  Cindy Finn is seen here with Julia Wagner and Lisa Triestino who received their cards and graciously delivered the others as Tracy Mangal and Kish Gue were unable to attend the mini-presentation.

Lisa Mosher, the LCEEQ representative for the Eastern Shores School Board presented the student award to Alexia-Maude Assels who attends Shigawake - Port Daniel School and to her teacher Carl Garrett.

Mark Sutherland, the LCEEQ representative for the Central Quebec School Board did the honours of presenting to Marie-Gabrielle Cannon, a teacher at Ste. Foy Elementary.

See all the submissions used at the conference in the Student Voice 2016 video album.

We want to take this opportunity to thank all those who took the time to submit a video.  We congratulate the winners and we look forward to a similar opportunity as part of the next annual  LCEEQ Conference to be held in February 2017.


The Annual Conference Evaluation (Download as PDF)