2020 LCEEQ Annual Conference Archive

In February 2019 we developed the theme “Well Being – Being Well” which proved to be both timely and very well received by the English-speaking Educational Community, so much so that LCEEQ decided to expand the theme in February 2020: “Being Even Better”.
The focus continues on both physical and mental health which addresses the ever-increasing pressures on educators and students at all levels in our fast-paced society.

The 2020 LCEEQ Conference, Being Even Better, celebrated existing practices and innovation in the realm of wellness.


Keynote Speakers

Dr. Kimberly Schonert-Reichl


Dr. Kimberly Schonert-Reichl is an Applied Developmental Psychologist and a Professor in the Faculty of Education at the University of British Columbia (UBC) and the Director of the Human Early Learning Partnership (HELP), an interdisciplinary research unit focused on child development at UBC. Before beginning her graduate work, she was a middle school teacher and a high school teacher for “at risk” youth. Recognized world-wide as an expert in the area of social and emotional learning (SEL), Dr. Schonert-Reichl’s research focuses on identification of the processes that foster positive human qualities such as empathy, compassion, altruism, and resiliency in children and adolescents. She serves as an advisor to the BC Ministry Education on the development and implementation of the redesign of the Curriculum that focuses on the promotion of personal and social competencies; an Expert Advisor to the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and

Development’s (OECD) Education 2030 initiative, a Board Member of the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL), an advisor to UNESCO’s Mahatma Gandhi Institute
of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development (MGIEP) on SEL, a member of the Educational Testing Service’s panel on research, and an advisor to the Dalai Lama Center for Peace and Education.

Dr. Susan Rodger


Susan Rodger is a Psychologist and Associate Professor at the Faculty of Education at Western University, a Research Associate at the Centre for Research and Education on Violence Against Women and Children and a Principal Investigator with the Centre for School- Based Mental Health. Her research within the education, health and child welfare systems examines mental health literacy and trauma and violence informed care for teachers, wellness among education professionals, and school mental health. She leads or co-leads a number of research and education initiatives including two national projects developing resources for teacher education and wellness and supporting child and youth mental health in schools..


Featured Speakers

Mike Kuczala


Mike Kuczala is a thought leader on using physical activity in teaching, training, and learning. He has delivered keynotes, given presentations and taught graduate courses on 4 continents. His presentations, courses, books and videos have reached more than 100,000 teachers, trainers, corporate executives, parents and students. He is also the coauthor of the Corwin Bestseller and Association of Educational Publishers’Distinguished Achievement Award nominated, The Kinesthetic Classroom: Teaching and Learning through Movement, a book and philosophy that has changed the view of teaching and learning around the world. Mike’s 2nd book, Training in Motion: How to Use Movement to Create an Engaging and Effective

Learning Environment, was released in 2015 (AMACOM) and Ready, Set, Go! The Kinesthetic Classroom 2.0 (Corwin) was released in the summer of 2017. President of Kuczala Consulting and Academic Director for the Regional Training Center, Mike's SRO presentations have been experienced in such diverse settings as The East Asia Regional Council of Schools, The Francis Marion University Center of Excellence to Prepare Teachers of Children of Poverty Summer Institute, The American Society for Training and Development, The Forum for Innovative Leadership, The Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, and the Society for Health and Physical Educators.

Dr. David Tranter


Dr. David Tranter has been teaching and working in mental health, well-being, and education for over 30 years. He is a researcher, professor and the Scientific Director of The Centre for Relationship- Based Education. He works widely with educators to support students at all grade levels to reach their highest potential. He believes in educating the whole student and that, outside of the home, the school setting is the most effective context to meet the learning and development needs of all children and youth. He is a passionate believer in the transformative nature of education and works with schools all across Canada. He is a dynamic, thought-provoking, and entertaining speaker, who has challenged educators across the country to think differently about their role, and to understand the needs of students on a deeper level. He is the co-creator of the Relationship-

Based Approach to Education, a pedagogical framework that promotes both student well-being and academic achievement. His book, “The Third Path: A Relationship-Based Approach to Student Well- being and Achievement.”, published by Nelson is now available.

Mary Gordon


Mary Gordon is an internationally recognized, award-winning social entrepreneur, educator, author, child advocate and parenting expert who has created programs informed by the power of empathy. Ms. Gordon is also the founder of Canada's first and largest school-based Parenting and Family Literacy Centres, which she initiated in 1981.

In 1996 she created the Roots of Empathy program. The organization, Roots of Empathy offers programs in every Province of Canada and 13 countries worldwide.

Ms. Gordon speaks and consults to governments, educational organizations, and public institutions, including the World Health Organization and the United Nations. She is the recipient of several awards recognizing her contribution to innovation in education and international social entrepreneurship, including most recently the 2018 Governor General’s Award for Innovation. Ms. Gordon is an Ashoka

Fellow and sits on the Ashoka Global Board, representing all Ashoka fellows worldwide. Ms. Gordon is a Member of the Order of Canada, the Order of Newfoundland and Labrador and the recipient of honorary doctorates.

Mary Gordon and the program have been featured in the New York Times, the LA Times, the Guardian, The Washington Post, Time Magazine and in features on PBS, CNN, BBC, and the Huffington Post.

Her book, Roots of Empathy: Changing the World Child by Child, is available in multiple languages.

Jack Talks


Jack.org is a charity that trains and empowers young leaders who are revolutionizing mental health. They are working towards a Canada where all young people understand how to take care of their own mental health and look out for each other. A Canada without shame, and where all those that need support, get the help they deserve. With a national network of 2800 young leaders, they’re only just getting started.

Conference Program

View or download here

Evaluation Results & Handouts

Total Registrants VS. Evals Received

Average Workshops Score

864/444 (51%)



 General Question

Average Score

 The conference met my expectations

4.2 / 5

 The Conference will be of value to me in the future

4.3 / 5

 The Conference had enough variety to maintain my interest

4/ 5

 The Conference facilities were satisfactory

4 / 5


 Keynote Speakers

Average score


Kimberly A. Schonert-Reichl - A New Kind of Fitness: Strengthening the Social and Emotional Competence



Susan Rodger - What is the Value of Wellness




 Workshops Block A

Average score


Kimberly A. Schonert-Reich - The School-based Promotion of Students’ Social and Emotional Competence and



 Michael Kuczala - The Kinesthetic Classroom: Teaching and Learning Through Movement



Amanda Argento - Your Calm Spot: A Free Online Emotion Regulation and Mindfulness Strategy Platform for



Tracy Rosen - Getting Better Together - Why Does Collective Teacher Efficacy Matter?



Joey Feith - Healthy Students Learn Best: A Practical Look at Developing a Healthy School Community



Shannon Collins - The Great Outdoors: An Underused Wellness...


Andrea Nouvet - Racism in School? Insights from CEGEP Students




 Workshops Block B

Average score


David Tranter - You Are the Strategy: How Disconnection is Damaging Our Kids and How Deeper Relationships...



 Michael Kuczala - More Applications from The Kinesthetic Classroom



 Gloria Longo - Building Your Own Wellness Toolkit: How to Thrive Rather Than Just Survive Teaching



Daryl Ness - Sharing Strategies to Support Student Success in Disadvantaged Areas



Ginette Bourque - Enhancing Student Wellness Through Journaling



 Karl Mercuri - The Social and Emotional Learning Café



 Martine Demers - Nurturing Support Centre: A Developmental & Trauma Friendly Response



 Ainsley B. Rose - The Joy of Learning...About Yourself!




 Workshops Block C

Average score


Susan Rodger - Being Even Better Through Wellness



Mary Gordon - To Reach is to Teach



 Divya Aery - Jack Talks Presentation



 Eva Dechef - Beyond the Layers: The Interaction of Mental Health Disorders & Learning Disabilities



 Christine Bacon - LGBTQ2 Literature for the Secondary Classroom


Pat Romano - Building Resilience & Change: Embedding Nonviolence & Artistic Activism into the Classroom



Donald Kerr - Physical Activity: A Great Tool for the.../L’activité physique: un excellent outil..

