Changes being proposed for Standardized Reports Cards for schools in Québec

In 2011-2012, the Ministère de l’Education, de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche (MEESR) implemented Standardized Report Cards for General Education in the youth sector. In the years that followed, numerous requests for adjustments and modifications to these report cards were addressed to government authorities. While the Ministère responded to some of these requests through its annual Directives, a number of other issues still remain unresolved.

In 2014-2015, the Ministère invited representative groups within the educational community in Québec to participate in exchanges on various outstanding issues related to Standardized Report Cards. To enable this collaboration between constituents, two consultative committees were set up:

  • An Orientation Committee to provide expertise on issues concerning standardized reports cards. Its role is to identify priority work actions and to oversee various proposals made by a working committee.

  • A Working Committee to contribute to the reflection process on report cards by analyzing various adjustment strategies and by proposing work avenues for these adjustments to the Orientation Committee.

The Working Committee plans to present a final version of recommendations made during the year to the Orientation Committee by the fall of 2015. The Orientation Committee in turn should approve and bring these proposed changes to the MEESR authorities. Once approved by the ministerial cabinet, these proposed changes will be submitted to a 90-day consultation process within the larger educational community in Québec with an implementation date for September 2016.

Once the consultation process has been open, the LCEEQ will have a role to play, as a representative of the English educational community in Québec, in providing timely feedback on the changes being proposed for Standardized Report Cards for schools in Québec.

More information on this matter will be provided to you as it becomes available.