Equity, Diversity, Dignity and Inclusion (EDDI) Workshops

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"When we speak we are afraid our words will not be heard or welcomed. But when we are silent, we are still afraid. So it is better to speak."
~Audre Lord

"Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced."
~James Baldwin

"Systems don’t change just because we identify them; they change because we disrupt them "
~Cornelius Minor

Join LCEEQ and EDDI teams in one or both of the events below.

Take a look and see what works for you and learn from teachers and consultants.

Perhaps the two-part in person workshop at the Palace Laval December 6, 2024 & April 11, 2025 is the right fit or join a separate event; a webinar February 26. 2025.

Registration for the Workshops is full. Register here for the webinar.

Becoming Anti Racist: a 2-Part Workshop in-person at the Palace Laval

Who should attend?

  • Cycle 3 Elementary and Cycle 1 Secondary ELA teachers
  • Administrators who are looking to promote EDDI culture in their school
  • Professionals supporting teachers in EDDI application
  • Pre-service teachers

    Space is full. Registration is closed.

Registration details

This two-part workshop is sponsored by The LCEEQ. There is no registration fee. Lunch is included each session. Costs for travel and subsitution are the responsibility of the School Board or school. Space is limited. Registration Deadline November 29 or when spaces are filled.

There are substantial subsidies available for Boards/Associations. For details on how it applies to residential projects, please see the LCEEQ Cost Sharing Policy

Part 1 - December 6, 2024 9:00AM - 3:00PM with Patricia Blackett & Angela Lionetti

This first session will focus on racial literacy, bias and the self-work required for antiracist pedagogy.  We will explore together race-based conversations (through guiding principles and practice), as well as exploring a reading paradigm that can frame pedagogical practice. Learn to model how children’s literature creates authentic opportunities for race based conversations and action. Participants will be asked to read three recommended texts in preparation for part 2. Classroom teachers will be provided with these books.


Patricia Blackett (M.Ed.) (left) has worked as a classroom teacher for over twenty years, in both Kahnawake and Lester B. Pearson School Board schools, at the elementary and secondary levels. She currently works in the Educational Services Department of the Lester B. Pearson School Board as the Anti-Racist Pedagogical Consultant spearheading the Literary Advisory Committee and the DARE (Developing Anti-Racist Educators) group.

Angela Lionetti (B.Ed.) (right) worked as a classroom teacher for over twenty years for the Lester B. Pearson School Board schools both at the elementary and secondary levels. She currently works in the Educational Services Department of the Lester B. Pearson School Board as the collaborator on the Antiracist Pedological dossier, as well as the Secondary Science and Technology Consultant.



Part 2 - April 11, 2025 9:00AM - 3:00PM with the LITerary Advisory Committee (LBPSB)

It can be scary developing and applying antiracist understandings to language teaching. “How do I know if I am doing it justice and how do I stop fear from hindering my efforts?”

The antiracist framework that will be introduced and modeled in this workshop, using text recommendations from the LITerary Advisory Committee at LBPSB and animated by said teachers will seek to illustrate and empower teachers by using antiracist lenses that can be applied during text selection and instruction. Dependence on lists is minimized because a paradigm that guides and frames antiracist principles is amplified. Leave this second workshop with the confidence to select powerful books that tackle race and racism, and the skillset to create pedagogy that is justice oriented. This workshop has been created to inspire us to envision forward and know we each have much to offer.

LITeracy advisory picture

The LITerary Advisory Committee (LBPSB) are a small group of Black and brown Lester B. Pearson School Board language teachers. Their mandate is to select, read, review and curate books that resonate, represent, uplift, critique, lend voice, give agency and shine light on our presence and experience.

Committee Members: Patricia Blackett (chair), Riccardo Charlot – FLS, Westwood Senior High School, Maya Johnson – ELA, Allion Elementary, Rosalind Grosvenor – FLS, Westpark Elementary, Pam Lobo – SSD Consultant, LBPSB, Guerlyne Mercier – FLS, Beaconsfield High School, Alia Odubayo - FLS, Westpark Elementary, Wydline Othello – FLS, Pierrefonds Community High School, Priya Patel – ELA, Macdonald High School, Gloria Sutharman – Resource, Westpark Elementary, Simone Spencer – ELA, John Rennie High School

Reading Against the Grain - a Webinar with Patricia Blackett & Angela Lionetti - February 26, 2025 at 9:30AM

Who should attend?

  • K-8 teachers
  • Administrators
  • Librarians
  • Pre-service teachers

    Register Here

Webinar details - 90 minute session

Interested in developing counter-narratives to the texts we read regularly or to those being considered for use? In reading against the grain, a teaching strategy developed by Learning For Justice, we learn to 'analyze the dominant reading of a text and engage in alternative or "resistant" readings'. Resistant readings scrutinize the beliefs and attitudes that often go unexamined in a text, drawing attention to the gaps, silences and contradictions.' We will explore this practice using picture books while sharing space in community.