PDIG Final Reports

All individuals and school teams who receive grants or scholarships provided by the LCEEQ are required to submit a record of their experience or accomplishment. These project reports and summaries not only document what has been achieved in each of the programs sponsored by the LCEEQ but also provide an opportunity for sharing knowledge and resources within the English educational community.

Clicking on the title of the projects listed below will call up a report which features a brief description of the project and provides contact information should you wish to inquire further.

Project Summary List Filter: (please select from the available filters and click "Apply")

Year: All | 2023-2024 | 2022-2023 | 2021-2022

Project Title (Click to view Final Report) Project Contact Year
Les maths au service du FLS et vice-versa!
mlahrar@emsb.qc.ca PDIG 2023-2024
Monitoring and Assessing Reading Development in Elementary School
mccullys@edu.etsb.qc.ca PDIG 2023-2024
La différenciation via l'exploitation d'oeuvres littéraires en classe
hgoetz@emsb.qc.ca PDIG 2023-2024
Curriculum mapping
shebert@lbpearson.ca PDIG 2023-2024
mrussell@wqsb.qc.ca PDIG 2023-2024
A Deeper Dive into the TQE: Tasks, Questions, Evidence and Collaboration
mckennam@edu.etsb.qc.ca PDIG 2023-2024
Secondary Math Student Support Resources
slbrown@wqsb.qc.ca PDIG 2023-2024
spiquette@lbpearson.ca PDIG 2023-2024
HQC4 Resources
julie.white@cqsb.qc.ca PDIG 2023-2024
nschwab@lbpearson.ca PDIG 2023-2024
QHS Outdoor Education Model Development
marne.bourbonnais@cqsb.qc.ca PDIG 2023-2024
Arts et FLS, un combo gagnant!
amalenfant@emsb.qc.ca PDIG 2023-2024
kgeoffroy@lbpearson.ca PDIG 2023-2024
Physical Education Units of Lesson Plans
jordronneau@lbpearson.ca PDIG 2023-2024
Gamifying and Movement in Spec Ed classrooms
akevan@wqsb.qc.ca PDIG 2023-2024
Activités sur les littératures autochtones au secondaire - FLS et FLE
mneilson@nfsb.qc.ca PDIG 2022-2023
Types of Learning Goals and their Tangible Applications
rgeorge@lbpearson.ca PDIG 2022-2023
Universal Design for Learning and the Four Arts
ldiner@wqsb.qc.ca PDIG 2022-2023
ARTS HIVEs: A Space for Self-Expression and Wellness
vneron@swlauriersb.qc.ca PDIG 2022-2023
Designing Alternative Assessments For Chemistry
kdavey@lbpearson.ca PDIG 2022-2023