Professional Development and Innovation Grants (PDIG) are available for teachers, Consultants, library personnel and administrators who are looking for ways to improve student achievement in Québec's English schools and centres. Professional Development Grants are intended to improve pedagogical practice. Innovation Grants are intended to support school teams to engage in systemic change within the school/centre in order to promote student success. Submissions should take into consideration the School Board’s Commitment to Success Plan and the School’s Educational Project.
It is important to note that the Ministry of Education is currently reviewing projects supported through the Canada-Quebec Entente. LCEEQ has been informed of the overall budget for the next academic year is forthcoming. Given the timeline for applications, we did not want to wait for this information before beginning the application process. Approved projects will be granted based on the resources available.
Please be sure to review the 2024-2025 Funding Document and study the rubrics that will be used for project assessment.
Quick Links:
LCEEQ is now using our unified Project Funding and Application system. You'll need to have an LCEEQ account in order to do so.
PDIG 2024-2025 Application: Closed
PDIG 2024-2025 Final Report Deadline: May 6, 2025
Professional Development Grants - focus on improving pedagogical practice. Your project should focus on the development of the teachers’ expertise resulting in improved pedagogical practices or improved curriculum tools.
Projects may be initiated by teachers, library personnel, school/centre administrators and/or school board personnel. This category is intended to provide release time necessary for a minimum of 2 teachers to collaborate on and participate in professional development activities relating to the Québec Education Program (QEP)
The Innovation Grants - focus on collaborative school/centre team efforts to create systemic change within the school/centre. This category is intended to provide release time necessary to pilot an innovative project designed to promote student learning and success through changes within the organization of the school, or for a particular group of students. The results should be sustainable after the initial year.
This category is intended to provide release time necessary for a minimum of 2 school team members, including at least 1 teacher to pilot an innovative project relating to the Québec Education Program (QEP). Other team members may include school administrators and other non-teaching personnel.