Providing Resources in the Adult Vocational Sector

Resource Development Program Application

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Project Year: 
Riverside School Board
Brossard, Québec
ACCESS Adult Education Centre
Contact Person: 
Farideh Raygani

The English, Language of Instruction Program of Study is intended for adult learners to deal with everyday real-life situations.


The English Language of Instruction program of study has been developed from the perspective that learning situations must be meaningful and relevant to adult learners’ life. Consequently, in order to make learning concrete and useful, all learning situations should be based on real-life situations. Due to lack of any commercial materials based on the program, we are in great need of learning situations that contain tasks, questions and challenges that lead adult learners to analyse, evaluate and create. This project allowed our teachers at ACCESS to create authentic and realistic learning situations that encourage adult learners to develop competencies targeted by the program.

We faced some challenges throughout the project. One teacher withdrew from the project and our pedagogical consultant was on leave. We also realized it takes a long time to create one learning situation. However, we were determined to stay focused on the process and goal.

After more than 160 hours of work, we could create 4 high quality learning situations and the 5th one is still under the revision. These learning situations are authentic, taken from the class of situations in the course that adults may find themselves in. They include tasks intended to support adults in the learning process. These learning situations help adult learners to construct knowledge related to the compulsory elements of the course. Certain teaching/learning strategies are also suggested, as well as a variety of materials and social resources.

This project was highly related to multiple components of the LCEEQ mandate and strategic plan. This project supported adults to build essential knowledge, to solicit the appropriate operational competencies for the real-life situations, and to reflect upon their learning. We shared the project at our PLC at the centre which enhanced professional development at ACCESS. And most importantly, this project provided an opportunity to create teaching/learning resources that will contribute to student success.

The created learning situations are available digitally to other teachers through OneDrive. They will also be presented at QPAT 2017. The digital folder will be shared with LCEEQ to be, in turn, shared with the entire English educational community in Quebec.

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