The Writer's Workshop


COVID broke a string of successful in-person workshops with Linda Rief - she is returning in 2024!

Linda Rief left the classroom in June of 2019 after 40 years of teaching Language Arts, mostly with eighth graders. She misses their energy and their apathy, their curiosity and their complacency, their confidence and their insecurities, but mostly she misses their passionate, powerful voices as readers and writers. She is a national and international presenter on issues of adolesent literacy. In 2021 she was honored with the Distinguished Service Award from the National Council of Teachers of English.

Linda has been offering Writer's Workshops in Quebec since 2009. 

August 12 - 16, 2024 - Writer's Workshop at Auberge des Gallant - CANCELLED

Were you interested in the Summer Literacy Symposium but were unable to attend?  

This would be a fine way to nourish your desire for some quality professional development.

A five-day Writer's Workshop will be held for teachers, adminstrators and professionals working with students at the Elementary, Secondary, and Post-Secondary levels.

Participants will learn effective strategies for improving student writing by actively engaging in a writer's workshop.

Logistical Details

Registration Details

Unfortunately, given the low enrollment at this time,  we will have to cancel the project for August 2024.   We regret any disappointment as we know you were looking forward to a very worthwhile experience, but the group is simply too small to make it viable.  We hope that we will be able to offer the workshop in the future.

Accommodation Details

Cost at Auberge des Gallant:
$294 + tax per person, per night double occupancy $212 + tax per person, per night single occupancy
These prices include 3 meals a day and access to all hotel facilities.
Participants are encouraged to opt for double occupancy in order to provide additional bedroom space permitting more participants. LCEEQ will assist you in finding a roommate, if requested.

Participants will be booking their hotel reservations; additional information will be provided following your registration.