PDIG Final Reports

All individuals and school teams who receive grants or scholarships provided by the LCEEQ are required to submit a record of their experience or accomplishment. These project reports and summaries not only document what has been achieved in each of the programs sponsored by the LCEEQ but also provide an opportunity for sharing knowledge and resources within the English educational community.

Clicking on the title of the projects listed below will call up a report which features a brief description of the project and provides contact information should you wish to inquire further.

Project Summary List Filter: (please select from the available filters and click "Apply")

Année: Tout | 2021-2022 | 2020-2021 | 2019-2020 | 2018-2019 | 2017-2018

Project Title (Click to view Final Report) Project Contact Year
PLC - Math Leadership Team
dingmanm@edu.etsb.qc.ca PDIG 2018-2019
C1 in High School Physical Education and Health
kbaker@emsb.qc.ca PDIG 2018-2019
Secondary 3 Science Inquiry Activities
pleger@emsb.qc.ca PDIG 2018-2019
Small School Model
gducharme@swlauriersb.qc.ca PDIG 2018-2019
Health Journal Revision- Year 2
kbaker@emsb.qc.ca PDIG 2018-2019
Computational Thinking with the BBC Micro: Bit
saltarachofmann@swlauriersb.qc.ca PDIG 2018-2019
Integration of the TQE Process in the Elementary Mathematics Classroom
batesh@edu.etsb.qc.ca PDIG 2018-2019
Creating a Culture of Academic, Social & Emotional Wellness
jarmstrong03@lbpearson.ca PDIG 2018-2019
Integrating O365 APPs into Classroom Practice
longneys@cqsb.qc.ca PDIG 2018-2019
Making Learning Universal
jlacroix@emsb.qc.ca PDIG 2018-2019
Growth Mindsets in Mathematics
cohalloran@wqsb.qc.ca PDIG 2018-2019
Social Studies
jcrawford@wqsb.qc.ca PDIG 2018-2019
Elementary Math Focus Project: Deepening Learning about Teaching Mathematics
sdin@swlauriersb.qc.ca PDIG 2018-2019
Adaptations to address the needs of Semiskilled students: Educational Modules
sgreig@wqsb.qc.ca PDIG 2018-2019
Improving Second Language Learning for All - Phase 2
mapaquette@lbpearson.ca PDIG 2018-2019
Students as Authors
elizabeth.ascah@essb.qc.ca PDIG 2018-2019
Pre-Literacy Course Development
farideh.raygani@rsb.qc.ca PDIG 2018-2019
Ludopédagogie FLS/Espagnol
mapaquette@lbpearson.ca PDIG 2018-2019
FSL and Library intercultural project - Phase 2
mapaquette@lbpearson.ca PDIG 2018-2019
Resource Teacher Learning Community
mfarrell@swlauriersb.qc.ca PDIG 2018-2019