PDIG Final Reports

All individuals and school teams who receive grants or scholarships provided by the LCEEQ are required to submit a record of their experience or accomplishment. These project reports and summaries not only document what has been achieved in each of the programs sponsored by the LCEEQ but also provide an opportunity for sharing knowledge and resources within the English educational community.

Clicking on the title of the projects listed below will call up a report which features a brief description of the project and provides contact information should you wish to inquire further.

Project Summary List Filter: (please select from the available filters and click "Apply")

Année: Tout | 2023-2024 | 2022-2023 | 2021-2022

Project Title (Click to view Final Report) Project Contact Year
Do You Know What I Mean? Teaching communication through SEL
mboivin@swlauriersb.qc.ca PDIG 2022-2023
Piloting PBL at Westwood Junior
mlanzetta02@lbpearson.ca PDIG 2022-2023
Application for Vertical Planning in ALPS at PCHS
mdaigle06@lbpearson.ca PDIG 2022-2023
Collaborative PD for secondary STEM teachers: Generating actionable knowledge for classroom practice
hmcpherson@swlsb.ca PDIG 2022-2023
Morphology Instruction in Upper Elementary
cbouchard@priory.qc.ca PDIG 2022-2023
Clinical Simulation Skills Training
smeyer@lbpearson.ca PDIG 2022-2023
Accessibility for All by All: Building Teacher Capacity to Enhance Student Success
ggagnon@lbpsb.qc.ca PDIG 2022-2023
From Doing to Thinking in Mathematics - Part 2
crennie@nfsb.qc.ca PDIG 2022-2023
Building a handbook of best practices and resources for Language Arts
tblonder@nfsb.qc.ca PDIG 2022-2023
Banque de ressources thématiques pour élèves de base et d'immersion
sjean@emsb.qc.ca PDIG 2022-2023
Pre-Teaching Resource Model
jguy03@lbpearson.ca PDIG 2022-2023
Course Syllabus Development
mlarocque@nfsb.qc.ca PDIG 2022-2023
Grade 9 Math Student Workbook
amccaffrey@wqsb.qc.ca PDIG 2022-2023
Vertical continuum of essential learning outcomes in literacy
mpaquette@lbpsb.qc.ca PDIG 2022-2023
Ambitious Science Teaching and Learning
pearcer@villamaria.qc.ca PDIG 2022-2023
lmascis@swlauriersb.qc.ca PDIG 2022-2023
Bridging the Gap Vertical Curriculum Planning Across Cycles
jpiazza@swlauriersb.qc.ca PDIG 2022-2023
Support of EMF Project with a focus on Resource Teachers
vrayner@swlauriersb.qc.ca PDIG 2022-2023
Making Meaning Matter
enrightr@edu.etsb.qc.ca PDIG 2022-2023
Conceptual Math Year Plan
angelie.caissy@cqsb.qc.ca PDIG 2022-2023