PDIG Final Reports

All individuals and school teams who receive grants or scholarships provided by the LCEEQ are required to submit a record of their experience or accomplishment. These project reports and summaries not only document what has been achieved in each of the programs sponsored by the LCEEQ but also provide an opportunity for sharing knowledge and resources within the English educational community.

Clicking on the title of the projects listed below will call up a report which features a brief description of the project and provides contact information should you wish to inquire further.

Project Summary List Filter: (please select from the available filters and click "Apply")

Année: Tout | 2023-2024 | 2022-2023 | 2021-2022

Project Title (Click to view Final Report) Project Contact Year
Situating Our Learning using an Interactive Reader's Map
rpayoe@emsb.qc.ca PDIG 2021-2022
Math - Games and Activities for Grade 1
ygalvez@lbpearson.ca PDIG 2021-2022
Creating SMART IEPs — Planning & Learning Together
morink@edu.etsb.qc.ca PDIG 2021-2022
Identity LES
smithto@edu.etsb.qc.ca PDIG 2021-2022
Diversity and Inclusion in the SELA Classroom
abeamish@emsb.qc.ca PDIG 2021-2022
Building an Inclusive Community by Leading From the Middle
ggagnon@lbpsb.qc.ca PDIG 2021-2022
Kindergarten Cycle Curriculum Alignment
morinca@edu.etsb.qc.ca PDIG 2021-2022
GRBA ICT Project-Phase 3
sabboud@lbpsb.qc.ca PDIG 2021-2022
Le Flow en français langue seconde - Année 2
mapaquette@lbpearson.ca PDIG 2021-2022
Spiraling the Math Curriculum
glachance@wqsb.qc.ca PDIG 2021-2022
Taking Learning Outside
ann.kelly@essb.qc.ca PDIG 2021-2022
Social Emotional Learning for Early Childhood
cbouchard@priory.qc.ca PDIG 2021-2022
Global Learning Development Training
ataylor@jpps.ca PDIG 2021-2022
Création de matériel en ligne pour apprentissage et évaluation
ygalvez@lbpearson.ca PDIG 2021-2022
Bringing inclusivity to the secondary 4 history curriculum
laura.yaworski@rsb.qc.ca PDIG 2021-2022
Cycle 2 & 3 Math Tasks
mckennam@edu.etsb.qc.ca PDIG 2020-2021
Talk in the SELA Classroom
gmacdonald@nfsb.qc.ca PDIG 2017-2018
Common Formative Assessment: Using data to inform and improve our practice: Part 3
gmacdonald@nfsb.qc.ca PDIG 2017-2018
Heroes' Elementary Math Focus Project
stairsa@etsb.qc.ca PDIG 2017-2018
Collaborative, Conceptual Curriculum
retchlessl@etsb.qc.ca PDIG 2017-2018