LCEEQ Newsletter

November 15, 2023

The LCEEQ Newsletter - Issue 102 - The Annual Conference - a return to in-person

Members look at EMF

LCEEQ launches its 15th Annual Conference. Since the onslaught of Covid we have had successful virtual conferences but this year we are pleased to be able once again to bring educators from across the province together to celebrate learning and networking.

What better time to focus on Embracing A Culture of Belonging. As Brene Brown states,“Fitting in is about assessing a situation and becoming who you need to be to be accepted. Belonging, on the other hand, doesn’t require us to change who we are; it requires us to be who we are.” (The Gifts of Imperfection).

Our conference will address “belonging” in a variety of contexts including sessions that should resonate for every educator across the English-speaking Educational Community. We have invited Keynote and Featured Speakers and a rich collection of local presenters who will challenge the registrants to reflect on the importance of belonging and the subsequent impact of such on how they carry out their daily responsibilities regardless of role or level.

The planning is complete. In the coming days your organization will be informing you of how to register. As always, there is no registration fee. There are quotas on the number of participants from each School Board/Association/ Institution, so you are encouraged to not delay in registering. If you are interested in participating, you must contact your Conference Coordinator for one of the designated spots. If you do not know who to contact, click here to request that information.

Take some time to visit the Conference Website to learn what is in store for you. We are confident that you will want to be among the participants.